Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Not everybody likes too much magic

Grails not only simplifies web application development for Java platform but also reuse solid libraries and technologies that existed before it. Although it is an oversimplification of what Grails does but you can safely say that it provides nice wrappers for some of the existing technologies such Spring (MVC) framework, Dependency injection, Object-Relational mapping, View technologies etc.

Most of these wrappers are so nicely done that the development some times looks like a magic. Things just work and some times we do not understand why ?. 

Next few posts I have are for developers for whom Grails is the first Java framework they have worked with. They may not be familiar with concepts like Dependency injection or MVC etc. Now Grails does such a good job at hiding these concepts that it leaves a feeling a mystery for some. In these next posts I will try to demystify the mystery.

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